Sunday, January 21, 2007

Unearthing the reality behind the myths surrounding the Jamestown Colony

U.S. News and World Report has a fascinating overview of recent findings about Jamestown colony in Virginia.

Doubt the colonists' savvy? The siting of the fortress itself was testament to their military sense, enabling their artillery to dominate river traffic while sitting beyond the range of ship-borne guns. Question their grit? The construction of the fort in a mere 19 days amid fierce heat and sniping from local Indians was a feat unequaled even by the much better equipped builders of the set of the recent movie The New World. Think the colonists lacked entrepreneurial zeal? Artifacts indicate a rich diversity of industrial and craft ventures, ample proof that those men (and, soon, women) quickly set to work trying to make a profit for their company. Other findings fill in details about life in the first successful English colony in America, showing, for instance, even more interaction and, possibly, intermarriage with Indians than once was thought.

Read the entire article here

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